You Bring your own containers or packaging and refill with as little or as much as you need or want! thereby saving on wastage and unnecessary single use packaging. saving you money and helping our planet…

Step 1 - Weight Empty
Bring your own empty containers, or take some of ours and refill them. First weigh the empty container.

Step 2 - Fill

Step 3 - Weight Again
Weigh the filled container again and subtract the initial empty container weight.

Step 4 - Pay
Then you pay only for the amount of product that you actually wanted and needed. Saving you money on wastage!
A conscious shopping experience. You are in control.
Ever wanted to buy a product, to test out a new recipe, but really did not actually NEED a full pack?
Well now you can buy as little or as much and only pay for what you took. No more paying for unnecessary, single use packaging and excess product that is just going to go to waste in your pantry.
You are in control of your shopping!

What we stock at a glance

Wholefoods such as Beans and Pulses, Rice and Pasta, Grains. Non GMO.

Herbs & Spices
Plenty of Non Irradiated and 100% Pure Spices and Dried Herbs.

Seeds & Nuts
Seeds and Nuts such as Sunflower seeds, Pumkin seeds and loads more.

Flour & Baking
Stoneground Flour from Champaign valley as well as a big variety of Gluten Free flours.

Fruit & Veg
Fresh fruits and vegetables from local farmers. Naturally grown and fresh.

Bio degradable and earth friendly cleaning products. Good for nature, good for you!

So much more...
and so much more in store from Coffee, Tea, Oils, Local Products…

“Shopping consciously is not only good for your wallet, it is good for the community and food for the environment…”
Wikus Botha